Valve failure can cause catastrophic damage to any vessel or system. However, detecting the first symptoms and preventing valve failure can help avoid such situations.
To help you understand the symptoms of valve failure and how to prevent it, Cast Iron Check Valve Supplier shares this article for you.
Why the valve failed
Symptoms of malfunctioning valves Valves are carefully designed devices designed to ensure safety and normal operation. Having said that, valve failure is still common.
According to flow control, many factors cause valve failure, including:
Abrasion of elastomer and valve seat gasket
Debris in the pipeline
Operate in a high-temperature environment
Improper valve installation, maintenance, and assembly
Symptoms of check valve failure
A faulty valve will give a warning signal when it fails. For example, when something goes wrong, a failed check valve will start to vibrate and even lose some internal parts. Other symptoms of check valve failure include backflow, excessive wear, and damage to components.
Noise can also be emitted when the check valve starts to fail. This situation is called "water hammer" and is caused by the disc hitting the valve seat. Water hammer can cause pipe rupture and severe damage. To alleviate this problem, it is recommended to install a quick-closing check valve to prevent pressure fluctuations.
When the valve starts to rupture, it will also start to stick and leak. When the valve is stuck in a certain position, it will jam, and when the debris enters the valve disc and valve body hole, it will jam. Leakage stems from damaged valve seats or discs or contaminants in the pipeline.
Preventive maintenance
Symptoms of malfunctioning valves As mentioned earlier, malfunctioning valves can severely damage the system and containers. However, the following preventive maintenance tasks can help prevent failures and extend the life of each valve.
Keep the valve clean
Contaminants and debris in any system can cause valve problems and failures. Keeping the pipeline clean is one of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent this.
To prevent debris from entering the system, please install filters and covers inappropriate places. For liquid systems, flushing pumps can also help keep the system clean. Flush before shutting down to minimize the accumulation of contaminants.
Cast Iron Check Valve
Lubrication valve
Use appropriate lubricants for valves to enhance performance and ensure correct operation. Also, make sure to relubricate regularly to extend the life of each valve and the system it uses.
Use the valve as directed
The most important precaution is to ensure that the valve is used correctly. For example, it is vital to ensure that each valve is installed and maintained correctly. Most importantly, choosing the right valve for each application will help prevent damage and valve failure.
Replace the valve as needed
Finally, the Cast Iron Check Valve needs to be replaced regularly to ensure optimal operation and safety. Therefore, once the valves in the system begin to show signs of failure, it is best to replace them with new parts immediately. Otherwise, it will cause the final system failure.