Yincun Town, Longyao County, Hebei Province, China
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Pros of Gate Valve
February 04, 2021
Regarding we are worried that gate valves have lots of advantages. Do you understand what regarding the specific advantages?
Cast Steel And Forged Steel: Main Differences
January 27, 2021
Steel products can be manufactured by casting or forging steel. Cast steel is the process of heating a metal until it reaches a liquid state and then pouring it into a mold to form the desired product.
What Is Forged Steel?
January 22, 2021
Forged steel is an alloy of carbon as well as iron that is pressed under extreme stress to make a very difficult as well as strong substance.
Butterfly Valve
January 15, 2021
The butterfly valve is also called butterfly valve, as the name suggests, its key parts like a butterfly against the wind, free rotation. The butterfly valve disc is the disc, around the seat of a shaft rotation, the size of the angle of ...