Soft seal gate valve fault maintenance for soft seal gate valve material, there are the following requirements shared by the Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Gate Valve China.
1. The material of valve body shall be cast iron, cast steel, stainless steel, 316L, and indicate the brand and actual physical and chemical testing data of cast iron.
2. Stem material, strive to stainless steel stem (2CR13), large diameter valve should also be stainless steel embedded stem.
3. Nut material, cast aluminum brass or cast aluminum bronze, and the hardness and strength are greater than the stem.
4. Stem liner material, its hardness and strength should not be greater than the stem, and in the case of water immersion and stem, valve body does not form electrochemical corrosion.
5. Material of sealing surface
(1)Soft seal gate valve types are different, sealing and material requirements are different;
(2) ordinary wedge gate valve, copper ring material, fixed mode, grinding mode should be explained;
(3) soft seal gate valve, valve plate lining material of physical and chemical and health testing data;
6. Valve shaft packing
(1) due to the soft seal gate valve in the pipe network, usually open and close infrequently, requires the packing in a few years not activity, packing is not aging, long-term maintain the sealing effect;
(2) valve packing should also bear frequent opening and closing, long-term sealing effect;
(3) in view of the above requirements, the valve shaft packing to life or ten years do not replace;
(4) if the packing needs to be replaced, pneumatic valve design should consider the situation of water pressure replacement measures.
That's all for the sharing,we are also the Cast Iron Gate Valve Suppliers China,welcome to purchase our products!